Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Clear Margins Confirmed

I received 2 calls today, which --as calls from doctors go-- were pretty sweet.

First, my surgeon called. All margins on the tissue he excised were microscopically confirmed as clear. So, THAT'S done.

Second, my oncologist called and cancelled my appointment for Friday, saying: Mr. Clary, I reviewed all of your records and you're clear. You could come in and I can tell you that and charge you for it I guess, but I also can make that report to you over the phone for free, which I'm pleased to do. There's no need for you to come in. After you heal up from Dr. Dupont's surgery, you're good to go.

Thus, I had the pleasure of canceling an appointment with an oncologist....and for the GOOD reasons.

--- J.R.


  1. Well, hale-freakin-leujah! I can't think of a nicer phone call to get from an oncologist. Fine news indeed for a Wednesday, or any day, for that matter.

  2. Hip Hip Hooray!!!! Soooo happy for you, and for all of us who love you! =) Meg

  3. I don't know what all the hoopla is about!!! When you first told us about you thinking you were sick I commented that you were going to be all right because I wanted you to be so!!!

    I hate to bring it up, BUT I TOLD YOU SO!!!!

    I guess some people would rather pay for what I tell them for free!!! >:o)

    Well boss, I am heading of to Peru next week to go play the "silent game" at the temples of Machu Picchu with four of my USC buddies.

    They do know it yet but they are in fora treat...

    Miss you,


  4. BTW

    Congrats!!! You were my man!!!

  5. JR- I lost the address for your blog- just got back on board. What great news! As Lewis Carroll would say: "Oh frabjous joy! Calloo, callay!" (I probably spelled all that wrong, but the sentiment is heartfelt).

    Much love,

  6. Actually, looking at my quote, it should be "Oh frabjous day, Calloo, callay!" Just another example of losing "the little grey cells", as Poirot would say.

