Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Anonymous Comment Policy Revised --- No More Free Lunch

When I started this Blog, I opted for a policy of allowing anyone to leave any sort of comment they might desire to any of my posts. This policy worked well for many months.

Lately, however, I have been inundated with a series of incomprehensible “comments” from a single individual. This person has posted numerous comments which---to the extent they could be understood at all--- were nothing more than irrelevant and unfair personal invective directed toward another person.

Of course, this venomous “lurker” only posts his attacks anonymously because he is a coward.

He has taken to making up names with which to “sign” his comments. He has also falsely indicated he is part of certain Trial Lawyers College (TLC) Classes, using fictitious names not part of the verifiable rolls for the years cited. He uses proxy I.D.'s and revolving proxy email addresses. Thus, he is a rather pathetic liar to boot.

Given the actions of this person, comments to this Blog will be henceforward subject to my review prior to posting. Posts from this person will not be published. Instead, they will be deleted. I will not facilitate spiteful personal attacks against others. There has been ENOUGH of THAT.

I will continue to post all comments relevant to the subject matter, even if they are critical of me. I do not require that folks identify themselves in their comments but ---frankly--- it is preferred. I can live with criticism of Clary. I can live with critical disagreement upon issues. I guess I can even live with anonymous on-point criticism posted by people who do not have the courage to publicly own their opinions. In truth, though, such anonymous commentary has no real value. If people seek to be part of positive change or candid discourse or hope to be involved in honest solutions, then they should step out like the rest of us and join the discussion.

Anything supposedly substantive but posted anonymously just causes people to roll their eyes.

Perhaps this decision will impel the anonymous comment-posters to either stop hiding like timid mice or start their own Blogs, where they can fulminate until the cows come home. Instead, I’m betting they will continue to practice what appears to be their forte’: Cowardly bitching and name-calling from behind their anonymous security blanket.

Well, to those folks: Please crawl elsewhere to hang. You’re all done here.

--- J.R.


  1. THANK GOD, Jim!

    Thank you. Everyone should quit posting this guy's nutty nonesense.

    The repeated posts, which are obviously by the same person, are so d-u-m-b and pointless they NEED to be screened. Who IS this wingnut, anyway?

    I am not a "TLC person" but have followed your Blog and some of the others. I have seen this person's comments and repeated posts all over the place. The poor guy obviously has a screw loose.

    See you after the Tulane game. GO TIGERS!

    Sean D.

  2. J.R., i think censorship rarely works. But, in the case of the person responsible for adding comments like some i've seen on your and on mr. pattis' blog, what else can you do? that dude is a fool. you should erase the rest too.

    Liz from BRCC

  3. Liz:

    Thanks for your interest and your point of view. The reason this guy was sent packin' was because his comments ---in addition to being nonsense--- unfairly attacked Mr. Pattis, among others. We can all disagree about issues, but the odd, personal vitriol he ladled out was just over the top.

    So, he can go vent that silly crap somewhere else. Wherever it is, you can bet it won't be on his own blog or under his own name. The guy's a typical blowhard/coward. Big hat, no cattle. [Probably not that big of a hat either, now that I think of it. ;-) ]

    And, yes, Sean: GO TIGERS! (Will y'all be by the Sugar Kettle after the game? Text me if you get this.)

    J.R. a/k/a Jim

  4. Hey JR,
    When'ya gonna pen a new post? I'm jonesing for something new from you.
